Shopping Secrets: Retail Insight For Maximizing Your Shopping EffortsShopping Secrets: Retail Insight For Maximizing Your Shopping Efforts

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Shopping Secrets: Retail Insight For Maximizing Your Shopping Efforts

I've always enjoyed shopping, even as a young child. When I had the opportunity to learn some of the behind-the-scenes things that retailers do, I was beyond excited. The more I've learned and the more time I've spent in retail environments, the more certain I was that I had to share the information with others. I created this site to broaden my reach for educating others about how to make the most of their shopping experiences and get the most for their money. I hope that the information here is helpful to you as you embark on your next shopping excursion.


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Three Blue Stones Or Minerals And Their Meanings

For centuries, people have valued certain stones and minerals for their meanings and abilities to alter the mood and spirit. Blue minerals and stones, especially, are highly valued and often used in jewelry. The color blue itself is said to inspire safety and serenity, and it is also associated with intelligence. Each blue stone or mineral also has its own meaning and uses in healing. Here are three significant blue stones or minerals and how they are used:

Blue Amber

Amber has long been a treasured stone, once collected from the beaches and used in the Stone Age for protection and comfort. Blue amber is even more valued than its brownish cousin, thanks to its rarity. Thousands of years ago, blue amber was only possessed by priests, and it was thought to bring blessings from the gods. Today, those who possess and wear blue amber are said to feel more spiritually connected. This stone also helps ward off negative energies and shield the wearer from harm, which is why many mineral experts recommend adorning infants with blue amber. If you wear a blue amber necklace and then pass it down to your baby, this is said to be especially beneficial. 


Azurite is a stunning, cobalt-blue stone that was prized by the early Egyptians. At this time, it was thought to make those who possessed it visionaries, enlightening them with knowledge that nobody else had. In the Mayan culture, this stone also symbolized the transfer of wisdom and knowledge. Today's mineral enthusiasts also find that it nourishes an interest in life and promotes curiosity. If you are in school or looking for a way to enhance your wisdom and learning, wearing an azurite bracelet or necklace may be a great choice. The stone is also recommended for anyone who has lost passion for their career and wants to feel more inspired again.


Kyanite has a pale blue color, often with hints of cream and white running through it. The mineral is said to align the chakras and promote a sense of balance. It promotes healing energy, both physical and mental. One of its defining features, according to mineral enthusiasts, is that it does not hold onto any negative energy that it fees. For this reason, it is often used by people who are in need of cleansing or a new start. It kyanite is given by one person to another, the mineral can bridge a gap of communication between the two souls.

Contact a company like Amber International for more information and assistance.